Say it with me: polarization is REAL. Okay, now that that is out of the way, let's get started. Yes polarization exists. Yes, it is a bad thing...BUT polarization may also be a good thing. What?? As we saw in this week's online lecture and as evidenced by Jacobs and Townsley, shows like O'Reilly Factor and Hardball are quintessential examples of why polarization is horrible. What good can come out of being cut off, attacked and/or completely dismissed while you're trying to have a thoughtful conversation? What is the point? In situations such as these, nothing is being accomplished. As a viewer, I don't feel I'm gleaning anything useful; instead, I feel like my brain is on fire. If anything, I'm horrifyingly uncomfortable or incredibly annoyed, reactions that cause me to tune out, both physically and mentally. Obviously, this isn't helping to raise political engagement. However, polarization could also be not so bad. Maybe it is within these grue...
Sounds really interesting! I look forward to seeing it if you post it here!